Uncertain times demand certain art…

Upholding an uncompromising vision with clear intention, Great American Ghost know exactly what they want to say about their community, the greater world around them, and humanity as a species. They transmit their message without filter delivered through a combination of basement-born hardcore spirit, staggering metallic precision, polemic lyrical provocations, and unexpectedly arresting melodies. The New Hampshire quartet—Ethan Harrison [vocals], Niko Gasparrini [guitar], Grayson Stewart [guitar], and Anthony Laur [bass]—examine our basest instincts as a society on their fourth full-length offering and SharpTone Records debut, Tragedy Of The Commons.

“We are a political band, and we always have been,” notes Ethan. “We integrate ‘extreme views’ into what we do, which is ‘extreme music’. Rather than write another generally political album, we tried to play into broader themes of hopelessness. Normal people are losing control on a constant basis. Tragedy Of The Commons is a statement about exploitation. If two people share finite resources, one person will eventually exploit those resources and hurt the other person. Citizens don’t have enough money to eat and live in this country, but our government is spending billions on funding other armies around the world that are being used to kill other poor people. Tragedy Of The Commons boils down to this fundamental exploitation of the less fortunate.”

A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...