“Could you please open that window, let the new world in.” The sage simplicity of Sundiver’s opening lyrics says it all. Boston Manor frontman Henry Cox is opening the next chapter of a story that began back in 2022 with their album Datura. That record was the first installment of the double album and opened with the lines, “Do me a favour, close that window, keep the heating in, there's a fire in the car park, I see it smouldering.” Sundiver, then, is the yin to Datura’s yang.

Coming out on September 6th on SharpTone Records, Sundiver is Boston Manor’s fifth album and one that represents a glimmering dawn for the Blackpool five-piece. Grown from a seedbed of optimism and sobriety, the LP celebrates new beginnings, second chances and rebirth. With two members recently stepping into fatherhood, hope is baked into every note. “Datura came out of these really dark few years over the hangover of the pandemic,” Henry reflects. “I'd been struggling a lot with drinking and not taking care of myself and bad mental health and stuff. We wanted Sundiver to be the next morning of the following day.” He explains that it feels good this time round to write through the lens of positivity. “The themes began to emerge, of rebirth, spring, dawn, sunshine and then other elements just started to fit into that.”

A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...
A New Era Of Music Continues...